All products, designs, names, logos and content on this website and other collected materials and emails are protected by international copyright and trademark laws. You may not use, copy, reproduce, redistribute, modify, sell or market any of our products, goods or designs, product names, design names, logos or trademarks displayed on this website without the prior written consent of Spring Copenhagen ApS. These terms and conditions are governed by Danish law and any dispute relating to this, the website, its services or these terms and conditions shall be settled by a Danish court.
Spring Copenhagen collaborates with a wide range of different rights holders and designers on the development and creation of various designs, products and concepts. Spring Copenhagen is committed to protecting the interests of rights holders globally, and all designs and products represented by Spring Copenhagen may not be copied, regardless of materials, shape and size. This includes materials such as wood, plastic, plaster, steel, fabric and painted versions of existing designs. We are committed to protecting the originality of our designers, designs and our rights holders, and therefore any copying, modification, reproduction (without separate and written agreement with Spring Copenhagen) will infringe our copyright and right to commercial exploitation and may therefore be prosecuted.
By request, we have made one exception: We are grateful and happy that so many people share the interest and love for our different designs. It is therefore possible to make crocheted versions of our designs, as we see it as a tribute to the individual design. Therefore, we do, exceptionally, allow crocheted versions of our designs to be made, but only for private use and only after written agreement with Spring Copenhagen. Under no circumstances will it be accepted that the crocheted versions are sold or otherwise commercially exploited, unless separately agreed with Spring Copenhagen. If the crochet patterns are shared in online forums or groups, this must also be agreed in writing. Any violation of the above may be prosecuted.